‘Tis the shilly season
Now’s the silly season, so they say. Lack of news makes space for some small news being blown out of proportion, e.g. a lion being killed in Africa, and the news media subsequently goes bananas....
View ArticleAzumanga Daioh
I used to be very interested in Japanese culture, society and history, but really have lost track of most of that. Manga and anime was not part of that, unlike many young persons these days. I have...
View ArticleA ship cannot leave port.
Why? Because if a ship leaves port, only starboard will remain, and it will be so one-sided it will just go in circle and come back to port. Just a thought.
View ArticleThe rights to live and to copy
It seems copyright in most countries is now creator’s life plus 70 years. In other words, 70 years past creator’s death. That means the right to copy a work on average lasts much longer than an...
View ArticleCranes on a fine autumn day
I have several times written about cranes. They are a very strong seasonal sign, if you are lucky to live near their migratory routes. Today it was warmer than in weeks, and I even sat on my balcony in...
View ArticleLosing Internet friends
In days of yore, you usually made new friends by meeting in real life. Staying in contact could be a bit harder. If they lived in same country, you could use the phone, even if long distance could be a...
View ArticleNobel prizes. And not.
It’s time for the Nobel Prize festivities, and as usual for the recent decades, I really don’t give a shit. I’ve been very improductive lately here, so I’ll just point to an old blog post of mine: The...
View ArticleNotes on Swedish notes, part 1
Sweden is in the process of changing its cash, its notes and coins. The motivation is more secure notes, less easy to counterfeit. I do not think forgerers have much interest in Swedish money, when...
View ArticleBad balloon
I am a balloon. I do not mean my body is inflated. Neither that I have swollen up, although my ME/CFS causes inflammation and my fingers can at times be swollen. My ballooniness is more metaphorical....
View ArticleVoices from Chernobyl
… is a book by last year’s Nobel Prize Laureate in literature, Svetlana Alexievich. I am not very interested in the Nobel prize, and have only on a few occasions bought books even out of curiousity. I...
View ArticleAbsentars
No idea why suddenly no avatars are displayed anymore (except my own local one). Changed some settings back and forth and also disabled some WP plugins to no avail. Atm cba to find out what the problem...
View ArticleThe Nacirema
By accident, sort of, I, today, found saved articles and other stuff, on paper, in a shelf, in a cupboard, in my home. A reminder of the old days not that long ago, when, in case you wanted to have...
View ArticleSweden – welcome to the laboratorium
Sweden is a big live practical and ideological laboratory. The beginnings of which I do not know. Maybe the seeds was sown with Gustav Vasa, who institutionalized heridetary kingship and also...
View ArticleCranespotting
Today I went to see the cranes gathering at Hornborgasjön. It is not far, less than 40 km from where I live now, but it has been quite a few years since last time. Very popular place to visit,...
View ArticlePuns
I hope puns on “pun” is not repundant for the reader. Since I fear no punishment, I now punblish this puny post. Upuntu – the “just kidding” operating system. Looking forward to spring and the Easter...
View ArticleFive years
Today it is five years since I started this blog. My second post was about Diaspora, which I still do not use, although I agree with what I wrote. Reading it now feels strange, was it me? Federated,...
View Article#MillionsMissing
Today is a Day for the campaign #MillionsMissing that tries to bring attention to the illness ME/CFS of which I have written about before on this blog. Due to my sensitive feet, I use mostly Joya...
View ArticleA white autumn day and Four Seasons
The years go by, and the only certain thing is the change of seasons. Which are four. Or so we think and see it. Categories are arbitrary, but it would be hard to imagine not labeling parts of the year...
View ArticleGood Friday – duffer thoughts
Good Friday is on the face of it a rather odd term, even if its origins are not “good“. In Swedish it is called “Långfredag”, literally “Long Friday”. When I was a wee lad, Good Friday was a day when...
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