Public Service Broadcasting – non-partisan?
One of the claims PubSerBroad make for their own uniqueness, and therefore their very existence, is that they are non-partisan, objective, and politically neutral, or at least, balanced. They are not...
View ArticleDrying flowers
I have a very small allotment garden. It is nice, but a bit hard for me to maintain, due to my ME/CFS. Lately I had some back pains, which has not helped. But my plot it is just a minute walk from my...
View ArticleSneaking in the queue
I sometimes think of death and the temporal limits of life. Growing older, and over time seeing others getting older, it is rather natural to think about life/death more. Lifespan is like a queue. It...
View ArticleWinter is coming 1: Cranes
In June last year, I moved from house in countryside (lived there for 23 years) to an apartment in town. The house was on a side of a not high mountain, with open landscapes, so one could see quite far...
View ArticleWinter is coming 2: Clothes
I put away un-seasonal clothing into boxes and other storage. Maybe that is old-fashioned. Or maybe I just do not want drawers filled with shorts at Christmas? In summer, having winter boots and coats...
View ArticleFeeds
I post both in English and in Swedish. Lately I been posting much in Swedish, most which have been critical/sarcastic/angry opinions about Swedish politics, and about the Public broadcasting fee. My...
View ArticleSpam revisited
I have previously [1, 2] mentioned schpam here. There is no solution to it, it will continue to be sent as long those who produce it believe in it and will continue having their bots spew it. Perhaps...
View ArticleWinter is coming 3: Outdoor furniture
Last night we went from summer savings time to standard time. A pretty daft system if you ask me, but I am not going to rant about that. One mnemonic for the problem of turning a clock backwards or...
View ArticleTowards the Light
I’ve previously written about two books from Dmitry_Glukhovsky’s post-apocalyptic Universe of Metro 2033: Metro 2033 and Metro 2034. There are many published in Russian, and some originals in other...
View ArticleWinter is coming 4: Seaside
The weather has since October been really gloomy with very little sun. November even set lack-of-sun record. It seems most of Europe experienced a very grey November 2014. Duffer climate? It is still...
View ArticleLinux Outlaws
I’ve always been an avid radio listener, and much less a teve watcher. However, I rarely listen to broadcast radio nowadays. That has partly been replaced by podcast listening. A lot of radio is rather...
View ArticleA Love Supreme
In December 2014, 50 years had passed since John Coltrane recorded maybe his most famous album, A Love Supreme. When I was younger I listened to a lot of music, and most of all to jazz (in a wide sense...
View ArticleWinter is coming 5: Defrost
This winter is horrible. Dark, rainy, windy. Almost no snow. Today it was at least around zero, so I decided to defrost the freezer. Putting out the frozen food on the balcony. For once, I was glad...
View ArticleThe Great Hanshin Earthquake
… usually known in the West as the ”Kobe Earthquake”. Hanshin is the area stretching from Kobe to Osaka, in central Japan. Two days ago it was 20 year anniversary of the quake. That is, by now, quite...
View ArticleHow to lessen the amount of spam on your blog
I have been less active on this blog than ever. I have not given up on writing, I just had lack of energy, due to a bit of downturn in health. I sometimes check for eventual comments and also erase...
View ArticleOver the Hillary
The old media has been droning on about Hillary Clinton eventually running for President of the USA. As if there are no other candidates in the Land of the Free. It seems many people are excited that...
View ArticleSpam and bots
Two days ago I wrote about spam (my first post in a long time). This morning, less than 48 hours after posting the above, I have 100 spam in my filter. Woohoo! The odd thing is that practically all...
View ArticleSmart watch is not the last watch
We’ve had so-called ”smart phones” for quite a while now, whatever the definition. I was a late adopter, as they say. Early adopters get the latest adapter, or something like that. I am not sure what...
View ArticleIrresponsive design
Responsive design has been a catch phrase for quite some years now. Recently, in the era of phones and tablets and small screens, it more and more seems it means a web site’s design is adjusted for...
View ArticleThe magic of whining
Yesterday I complained about the weather. Half an hour after I wrote that, the sun came out. Today it has been really nice, sun’s been shining and air reasonably warm. Whining helps! Science!
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